We work in
Hotel Sustainability

Hoteles más Verdes is a hotel industry sustainability program that develops effective tools to manage tourist accommodations.

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Global Sustainable Tourism Council

Our Program has been recognized by the Global Sustainable Tourism Council since 2013. With this recognition, “Hoteles más Verdes” is among the most prestigious sustainable tourism certification programs around the world.


The Hoteles más Verdes Ecolabel is the distinctive label that recognizes and certifies those hotels that show a sustainable management, respectful with the environment and socially responsible towards the community and the tourist destination where they carry out their activities.

Sustainable Hotel
Management Standard

Our Certification Standard has three application levels

oro plata bronce
Concurso de Hotelería Sustentable

The “Contest of Sustainable Hotels” recognizes and rewards hotels and the best applied innovation projects that are part of the sustainability principles in the value chain of hotels in the country.

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Hoteles más Verdes in figures














Hotels in



Hotels in



Hotels in





Coaching Services


Participants of the Contest of Sustainable Hotels

Opinions on HMV

The Hoteles más Verdes Program is a valuable tool that helps organize the efforts made by the company for the sake of sustainability. Likewise, it drives and encourages organizations to set themselves increasingly ambitious goals, having excellence and sustainable development as north.

Lucy Vilte

ECOHOTEL Posta de Purmamarca

The Hoteles más Verdes program is a high-value guide to develop a corporate sustainability program. It is easy to understand and, therefore, it helps define each goal, and develop and coordinate each process that is part of some of the sustainability focal points. The fact that support is received from AHT’s specialized staff makes its implementation much easier for member hotels.

Marcos Alonso

Director de Alimentos & Bebidas/Comercio Responsable
InterContinental Buenos Aires

Applying the Sustainable Management System proposed by Hoteles más Verdes to Iguazú Grand not only has been a great opportunity to improve all our processes and introducing new tools to achieve more efficiency, but also is has allowed us to enhance the commitment by all people who, after understanding the benefits for themselves and for the community, have been those who have appropriated the challenge and have become the driving force of the change towards a truly sustainable management.

Juan Carlos Espinoza

Gerente General | General Manager
Iguazú Grand Resort Spa & Casino

The “Hoteles más Verdes” Program came to the hotel industry to contribute something to which nobody was paying the due attention. Nowadays and focused on the future, we should look at these details that are those that will allow us to continue working orderly and ensure the sustainability of the sector. In Córdoba the program is growing year after year, and not only private parties are interested in being a member, but also the Provincial Government is trying to promote in the hotel activity that sustainability is a priority matter.

Federico Ricotini

Windsor Hotel & Tower

Hoteles más Verdes represents a new paradigm of hotel management also compromising both the internal and external client of a hotel in the sustainable development of the community in which it is immersed. The good practices promoted by this program will be replicated by our staff in their families and this will gradually lead to spreading it to the whole community, thus fostering the sustainable growth of the tourist destination. In addition, it encourages guests to behave as responsible tourists and drives them to choose committed hotels in this line for their future trip.

María Fernanda Botti

Gerente Residente
Xelena Hotel & Suites

Being a member of Hoteles más Verdes program allows us not only to organize sustainable processes, but also it helps us broaden our vision, improve eco-efficiency and the responsible use of resources; generating a multiplying effect, creating and spreading sustainable participating actions to arouse interest and involve the staff, guests and our whole community.

Moira Gador

Kosten Aike

The development of the certification program has allowed us to implement tasks aimed at ensuring the client’s satisfaction, become an example of good practices with the local community and keep an ongoing improvement of sustainable management in the social, economic and environmental levels.

Diego Flores

Amerian Hoteles

For small or micro family organizations such as ours, the possibility of ordering our actions, improving, correcting or changing others is valuable for our ongoing improvement. It is there where the Hoteles más Verdes Program becomes a vital tool.

Virna & Germán

CasArtero Ecoposada

Contact us

If you have any doubt or comment, fill in the form and write to us. We are ready to provide you with advice.

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